Go S.E.C School of Evangelism | The Documentary

The personal ministries department launched, in 2012, is the ‘South England Conference School of Evangelism’, which provides evangelism training across many topics. The training year runs alongside the academic year and, on completion of the required modules, people receive certificates so that they can take their training, ideas and programmes back to their area and

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DiMENsions of a whole MAN

DiMENsions of a whole MAN. Men, we need to stand. We need to be men of God. We need men to be leaders in their personal lives, family lives and in the local community. Lets face the challenges and beat them. Dimensions of a whole man is a retreat aimed at 18-35 year olds which

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Torch Bearers Concert Advert

Watch the video to see what’s in store for the South England Conference’s Day of Fellowship on 11th August, 2012. The Heritage Singers and Larnelle Harris will perform throughout the evening concert for a truly uplifting experience.

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