

The Trailer

Join us on a journey through time tracing the roots of our spiritual family. Throughout this year we will travel to Italy, France, Germany, Scotland, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Wales, and England, the homelands of forefathers such as John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, Columbanus, Aidan, and John Calvin. Look for new episodes every week.

Episode 1 | Constantine : Compromise & Controversy

We begin our journey with an event that changed the Christian landscape immeasurably – the conversion of Constantine. This event would lead to the persecution of Gods faithful believers from within the church and the beginning of a clear distinction between the two branches of Christianity that would emerge.

Episode 2 | Scotland’s Braveheart

Isolated from the rest of Britain and Europe lies the island of Iona, off the coast of Scotland. Yet from this small, barren and windswept island a great impact would be felt far and wide. Columba, that great missionary and trainer of missionaries made this his base and set up a school that would last for several centuries.

Episode 3 | Holy Island

Lindisfarne, also known as the Holy Island, situated on the north Coast of England would be the base of mission operations in England in the 7th century. Aidan came from Iona, planted a school here and along with his two successors would convert almost three quarters of England in under 50 years.

Episode 4 | The Tide Turns

Crucial decisions would be made during the Whitby Synod in 664 A.D. that would affect the future of Christianity in the British Isles. The tide would turn away from Celtic Christianity

Lineage is a multi faceted educational tool that explores our spiritual heritage showing the connection between the past and the present.